

HIV, Health & Inclusion A Conversation with the Champions for an AIDS-Free Generation in Africa: A roundtable dialogue.

14 February 2019

The Champions for an AIDS-Free Generation in Africa and in partnership with The Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS), UNAIDS and Access Chapter 2 are convening a high level political dialogue with Members of Parliament from the SADC Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) and broader Commonwealth Parliamentarians.
The primary purpose of engaging Parliamentarians and follow-up actions is to secure the human rights of key populations, including sexual and gender minorities, which are essential for guaranteeing the health of all and leaving no one behind.

Date: 21 February 2019

Venue: Lagoon Beach Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa

Contact: Makhamokha Mohale | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | +267 74 166 804